About financing


Every financial institution is different, so you may want to call your lender and ask what information you will be required to have on hand. The following is some basic information that you will be asked to provide:

  • Your current and former addresses.
  • Social Security card.
  • Verification of monthly and annual income.
  • Information about outstanding debts.
  • Your place of employment and how long you've been there.
  • Bank statements for the previous two months.
  • Information about stocks, property or other assets.
  • A copy of your sales contract.


Financing center

After you turn in your loan application, your lender will verify all of the information, check your credit history, and get an appraisal to determine the value of the property you are trying to buy. The lender will also order a title search and obtain required insurance documentation. Once this information is gathered, the lender will review everything to determine whether your loan will be approved.


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